Department of Health Behaviour and Communication


  • Development of physically, mentally & socially healthy people in healthy communities


  • Development of public health professionals who can perform essential public health functions in holistic manner.

Credit Units = 2

Total teaching hours = 60 hours


  • Communication, Behavior change communication, risk communication
  • Health Behavioral Theories
  • Social determinants of health
  • How to develop scientific poster, Poster presentation/ oral presentation
  • Designing and development of IEC materials, poster display
  • Debate
  • Health promotion, Health literacy
  • School health
  • Poverty/ Equity /Advocacy/ Gender/Community mobilization
  • Qualitative research


  • 2 Individual assignments                    30 marks
  • 4 Group assignment                            40 marks
  • 6 Participatory assignments                30 marks


  1. Judith Green and Nicki Thorogood: Qualitative methods for health research
  2. John W. Creswell: Qualitative inquiry and research design
  3. Marietta Orlowski: Introduction to Health Behaviors, A guide for managers, practitioners & Educators
  4. Renata Schiavo: Health Communication, from theory to practice  
  5. Cecil G Helman: Culture, Health and illness